Results from the 2nd day of the Columbia Falls Tip-Off for Varsity Volleyball:
1-1 against Browning (17-25, 25-15)
2-0 against Libby (25-13, 25-15)
0-2 against Big Fork (17-25, 24-26)
Good luck to them on Sat, Sept 2 when they play away against Ronan and Polson!

Hamilton boys soccer beats Lockwood 3-1 on a beautiful Saturday afternoon

Varsity volleyball results from the 1st day of the Columbia Falls Tip-Off Tournament:
1-1 against Columbia Falls (25-12, 24-26)
0-2 against Whitefish (18-25, 19-25)
1-1 against Polson (20-25, 25-24)
2-0 against Ronan (25-19, 25-23)
1-1 against Big Fork (25-17, 17-25)
Go Broncs!

Hamilton High School Girls Soccer Won 6-0 and the Boys Soccer lost 2-1 against Libby.

Hamilton High School Parents/Guardians of Drivers Ed Students Enrolled in the Fall Session:
HHS will be hosting a mandatory parent meeting on August 24th at 6:30 PM in the PAC. If you are unable to attend on the 24th, we will hold another meeting on August 29th at 6:30 PM in the PAC. You MUST attend one of the meetings. We will be reviewing protocols and handing out necessary paperwork for your student to participate in Drivers Ed this fall.

Golf Results from Coach Burch:
Golf results from the Corvallis Invite. Lady Broncs took 2nd and Broncs 3rd. Day 1, Missoula Country Club- Lady Broncs were led by Emma Hollingsworth(82) and Cameron Burnett (88). Broncs were led by Josh Bender (75) and Cole Dickemore (79). Day 2 at Double Arrow in Seeley Lake- Lady Broncs were led by Emma Hollingsworth (85) and Brooklyn Brown (91). The Broncs were led by Tyce O’Connell (88) and Jackson Kirkbride (89).

The HHS sports teams held a community service day on Friday. They cleaned up and performed maintenance in areas around town to thank the community for its continuous support!! Thanks to all the students and coaches who helped out!
Here's a great article from the Ravalli Republic with more details:

Hamilton High School golf news from Coach Burch:
Day one the Lady Broncs and Broncs defeated Billings Central in match play, 6-4 @ Fairmont Hot Springs. The Bronc’s were led by Tyce O’Connell’s 75 and Cole Dickemore’s 80. The Lady Broncs were led by Emma Hollingsworth’s 88 and Cameron Burnett’s 90.
On Tuesday the Lady Broncs took 2nd and the Broncs 3rd @ Old Works in Anaconda. The Ladies were led by Emma Hollingsworth and Brooklyn Brown with scores of 90 & 98 respectfully. The Broncs were led by Josh Bender(81) and Tyce O’Connell(82).

Hamilton High School Red/White Scrimmage
August 18, 2023
10am-12pm- Community Service - Hamilton High School Athletes will be in the Community helping with needed projects as a Thank You to the Hamilton Community!!!!
Scrimmage Schedule:
3:30pm- Volleyball
HHS Bronc Stadium
4:30pm- Boys Soccer
5:15pm- Golf
5:30pm- Girls Soccer
6:15pm- Cross Country
6:30pm- Football

We are looking forward to seeing all our students!
Bell schedules for each building are available here: https://www.hsd3.org/documents/students-%26-parents/bell-schedules/264633

Hamilton High School
Parent\Player Meeting
Monday, August 7th at 6:30PM in the HHS PAC.

Hamilton Bronc Envirothon Team at the International NCF Competition:
Here are the top scores for the Bronc Envirothon Team at the International NCF Competition that was held at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, Canada competing against 49 championship teams from the US, Canada, China & Singapore, July 22-29, 2023.
Oral presentation: 18th place!
Congrats to the entire team for this fabulous finish!
Payton Torres, Kinga Kari, Taylor Bratvold, Janessa Chaplin and Captain Cole Kimzey.
Aquatics- Janessa Chaplin- 20th place!
Wildlife- Cole Kimzey- 23rd!
Overall placement- 34th
About tree pic:
Being silly at practice- sending our best wishes to Taylor who didn’t get her passport until the day before we left for Canada!
Cole flag pic:
Captain Cole getting ready for the opening ceremony.
Blue tshirt team pic:
After traveling for nearly 24 hours, we are ready to go in Tantramar (Sackville), New Brunswick.
While the team had 3 strenuous days training, testing and preparing their oral presentation, Mr Fett and Ms Antonioli goofed off- touring Prince Edward Island, the quaint Charlottetown and the famous Hopewell Rocks at the Bay of Fundy!
Here is the Anne of Green Gables Museum.
Nature park and shopping pics:
On Wednesday, all 250 contestants, their coaches, some parents and volunteers went to St. John, New Brunswick for a cool Science Expo, wonderful shopping and then some recharge time at the beautiful Irving Nature Park where we playing on the beach, watched seals bobbing in the bay and Cole happily added a few NE Canadian birds to his list!
Top: shopping at the Container Village in St John, New Brunswick
Bottom: Irving Nature Park
Hopewell Rocks at the Bay of Fundy which has the largest tides in the world
Team with flags pic:
After being sequestered in a hot, stuffy dorm room all day, it was great to have the oral presentation ready to go and to stand in the rain with our New Brunswick flags.
Marie’s Recap for the team
Several legendary things happened in New Brunswick this past week:
A lone killer whale was spotted “playing” with a group of dolphins in the Bay of Fundy, Cole & Janessa reported what they enjoyed the most about the competition was taking the written tests and seeing how their knowledge compared to the best of the best (they both did very well 😀), Taylor & Payton said their favorite thing was our fun day to St John (shopping) and our nature outing where we saw seals bobbing in the bay and Kinga reported that having ice cream for breakfast was a big highlight! 😋
Cole also shared that the speakers and the training day were top rate and that he really enjoyed learning about eastern Canada! I think what he meant was, “the International Envirothon was Lit!”🔥😜
The Bronc Envirothon team represented Montana very well at the International Competition and had fun meeting people, being goofy (dancing in the rain), learning a ton and meeting the challenges of an elite competition with 50 other championship teams! We are so proud!

Bitterroot Health is Offering Sports Physicals
We are offering Sports Physicals for all high school and middle school atheletes, beginning this:
Tuesday, July 25th – Thursday, August 3rd
Available at THREE locations:
• Bitterroot Health - Hamiltion Primary Care - 1200 Westwood Drive, Hamilton
• Bitterroot Health – Stevensville - 3975 US HWY N, Stevensville
• Bitterroot Health – Darby - 3334 Dvn Lane, Darby
Please call our scheduling voicemail line to book your appointment: (406) 375-4671
Physicals cost $25 per student athelete, and funds are returned to your school’s athletic department.

Hamilton Bronc Soccer Kids Camp for students entering grades K-8 will be held on August 7-10 from 9-11 AM at the Hamilton Athletic Complex. Cost is $40 per camper. Follow the provided link to register.

Hamilton High School Volleyball Clinic
July 8th
Ages 6-8 -9:00-10:00 - $30
Ages 9-11 - 10:30-12:00 - $ 40
Ages 12-14 - 1:00-2:30 - $40.00
July 22nd
High School Ages - 10:00-12:00 - $50
Location Hamilton High School Gym
Pay by Check or Cash by Day of Clinic
Secure a Spot by emailing nikkicasale@gmail.com

Reminder: No FIREWORKS on Hamilton School District property.
Thank you

Hamilton Bronc Soccer Camp August 7-10 for grades K-8
Use the QR Code In the Photo, O R
V I S I T G O FA N .C O & S E A R C H

Bronc Flag Football
Flag football is returning to Hamilton School Schools in the Fall of 2023!
Boys & Girls in 1st-6th grades - $35
Look for sign-up information the first week of school!
Volunteer coaches will be needed.
Must be an HSD3 student or live in the Hamilton School District.
Email lantn@hsd3.org or blomet@hsd3.org with questions.

To see menus and get more information on our FREE grab and go summer lunch program, go to: https://www.hsd3.org/page/food-service

Tomorrow June 2, is the Last Day of School and is an Early Out!
Daly will be dismissed at 12:08pm
HMS will be dismissed at 12:20pm
HHS will be dismissed at 12:30
Thank you Parents and Students for a Great Year!!!